May be your reading this sitting alone or maybe you are with family but still alone or may your taking a break from all the hectic life your having with all that is happening around you. Where ever we are I think you will agree with me that we have started to reflect more during this time. We just crossed the Easter day. May be the day did bring back memories of what you did during spring break or Easter may be the day you may believe in the Risen Lord because you are forced to or because you truly believe that Jesus did die for our sins and rose up. This Easter was the first time that I have not been to the physical Church Building. This was also my first Easter day where I did not wear my best clothes to Church. But people who know me might say, “When did you ever dress so??”, missed the excited faces during Easter Service, Pastors giving their best message ever, Choir’s giving their best to glorify God and me getting goosebumps. Though we had online services, chatting with church family online during service, Drive in services in certain places. People did make effort to connect with their family or close friends or even strangers on this day. Pastors tried their best to connect and provide a ray of hope to the congregation members and to people who would watch online. After attending few online services.

I was thinking how are we still able to hold on to hope in this situation. I tried to go back in time to the first Easter day and think of how the situation would have been. Jesus was crucified till death on the cross. He was buried in a tomb in a hurry as the Sabbath day was starting. The disciples were scattered and in small groups. They had locked themselves in to rooms in fear of getting caught. They had lost all hope. Jesus was their only hope as their where lowly people in society. But they were famous for three and half years in their country. They had left all their economic sources to follow Jesus. But now, they did have to start all over again. Their hope of becoming part of a great revolt against the Romans and become prominent people was gone in few hours.
But on the first Easter morning. The woman find that he is not in the tomb, the disciples run to validate it. They are confused. But slowly as Jesus appears to them in many places and reminds them of all the that he had said and done during the three and half years, He was with them. During this time when we are socially distanced from people due to the Pandemic. The only way I can get hope is to look to Jesus for hope as he died for my sins and has shown love where I am not worthy. Now I am no longer in fear of death as My God sent his son Jesus to die and show that he has victory over the sting of Death. What ever comes across my path. I will face it because I have a Living Hope.